The development of our new Text Type writing skills development series has inspired the creation of several new assessment tasks.
Context & purpose: You are on exchange in Japan. Your pastoral care teacher has assigned you a Japanese buddy. Each day you meet with your buddy and other classmates and practice Japanese by having a short conversation. You also exchange daily diaries in the class notebook.
Home Room is a listening, speaking and writing task that requires students to write two diary entries, answer questions in English about 7 aural texts and to have conversation with their teacher acting as the Japanese pastoral care teacher. Although it is suggested that the writing section is conducted first to reduce student anxiety (Preliminary students often feel like they need to write down what they have studied before they forget) the task is provided in word and pdf form so teachers can deliver the task as they prefer. It is also acceptable to upload the listening task to any online platform used by the school such as Canvas and manage student access to the task that way.
This task is designed around language and structures introduced in Jblog 4 Express Chapters 1-2 such as discussing your family and special events or activities. Students can prepare for this task through exposure to the Course 1 Diaries and dialogues resources. The tasks are stand-alone tasks though and teachers can prepare students for the task via other class activities and resources. The listening and writing section should take approximately 50 minutes. Teachers then conduct a conversation for 2-3 minutes with individual students.
How do I order this?
You can simply email to request a quote or tax invoice for this item. We are always happy to answer questions about the task.